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Friday, October 10, 2008

Virgin to start space tourisim

Get ready to pack your bags and fly beyond the skies yeah virgin airlines founder "Richard Branson" has planned and decided to form a new age of commercial space tourism

The company hopes to start flights to space within 2 years and they have chosen UAE to build their first spaceport with their operating base in New Mexico.The companies president "Will Whitehorn" said that the weather conditions in UAE would be good for the space travel for the whole year.He also said that it will be good view of the oceans deserts land and mountains from the space.
For now more than 254 virgin galactic tickets have been sold world wide and 36$ million of deposits have been paid to reserve tickets.

Do u guess how much is the ticket price for the space travel???
Its only $200,000 :P So if u got enough money reserve your tickets.
The space travellers will be given 3 days of pre flight preparation and training and it was also said that for some 1 or 2 years test flights will be completed before they are commercially launched.
Also they planned to extend their spaceports in UK,Spain and also in some Asia pacific region.Richard Branson the billionaire will be the first passenger to do space travel.

No doubts in the future space visit will be a piece of cake :)


Ivana said...

Mm...great news...so, have you registered?hehehe. anyway, thx for visiting my
north sulawesi

Grace said...

Hi, happy "I love to write day" :)

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